This series captures the feeling you get through nostalgia, the cosy comforting warmth of a fond memory.
This feeling is represented in a physical/visual form through the late glow of summer evenings, golden hour. Everything is basked in a warm orange glow, giving a sort of dream-like haze to the environment, similar to how you would recall memories.
Studies have shown feeling nostalgic can actually make you perceive yourself and the environment as warmer, so not only is it a way to maintain psychological comfort, but also physical. This is seen to be more prevalent in the cold, so is apt that this is a body of work that has been created during the colder winter months.
I want this series to bring a sense of comfort and content. Rather than encouraging you to live in the past, it's more so to remind you that there has been goodness and warmth before, meaning there is only more to come.